After a year of avoidance, I finally made my first trip to the Roswell Mall. I didn't go for shopping though, so I still have that going for me. I went to lend a hand to the Media Arts department of our school to help with recruitment.
The mall isn't actually as bad as I thought it would be. It actually looks like a mall inside and has your typical mall stuff offered. The two things that got me were:
1. Giant roaches. I'm not talking your little brown, we have a problem type roach here. No. I'm talking your indigenous two inch long, dinosaur looking things. They were everywhere outside the exit of the mall. Luckily most were dead, or dying, but yuck!! I think Roswell is as close to Galapagos as I'll ever get!
2. The sign on the door. The Roswell Mall has their do's and don'ts posted on a sign like many malls do. No smoking. No skateboards...that kind of thing. But...they had two things posted I have never seen (and being from Philly, you'd think I would have). They have a no bandana and no gang related attire policy. Yes, they will boot you from the mall if you are wearing your bandana. No eighties heavy metal stars here: sorry Axel!! And...how do you get those gang related tattoos off before you go in there?!?!?