Someone today said Roswell was like an oasis. I thought about it for a few minutes and came to the realization that she was right. It's just like an oasis. Think about it. If you were traveling in the desert for days, no water for you or your camel, and all of a sudden there was Roswell, you would thank Allah (or insert whatever diety you wish). You would think you died and went to heaven.
Here's the problem. When I think of an oasis, I think of an answer to my prayers as well. The difference is, when people come upon an oasis, they are usually travelling somewhere else. The oasis is great for ten or fifteen minutes. Get a drink. Rest your sore feet. Motivate yourself to keep going. It's a turning point. A show of encouragement. A sign that things are looking your way.
Another thing. Nobody is at the oasis. Ever. It's only you when you get there. No hot-dog stand. No custard. No beerhaus. Just you, the water hole and a long road ahead of you. Nobody stays there for the week or plans to relocate there.
So here I am. At the oasis. Somebody send my a stinking pizza! Maybe I'll shoot down to Dallas for Labor Day weekend. Cheers.