So...back from my little trip out to Ocean City, Md, I had the opportunity to play with "Some Don't" on Thursday. Usually when I play with them, I split the bass duties with Noel, but since he was still in O.C., I got to play the whole gig. Of course it was fun; that goes without saying. But, it was also hot. It was an outdoor afternoon gig. 95 degrees and humid. Yuck. Hey cuz, how'd you end up on vacation the week of the outdoor gig?
An eyewitness reports the afternoon gig went very well. The band was almost as hot as the weather playing many familiar songs and a few originals under a scorching August afternoon sun. At one point, Dan's concentration was ruffled a bit when a dreaded Verizon fly flew into his ear and whispered 'can you hear me now?'. Ah the joys of playing live outdoors.
Sorry I wasn't able to come along. I think Some Don't is a great band and I enjoy watching/listening to them. It's always a joy to see my favorite cousin, Noel, when he's not off enjoying the sun and surf, and even more fun when you're performing!
I was not sad, though, to miss the heat!!
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