The last time I saw anyone do something useful with a staple gun was Homer Simpson when he stapled Maggie's diaper. Otherwise, I don't see the usefullness. I guess you can staple pillows or curtains and all kinds of fabrics. Maybe you can make a nice stuffed animal for a loved one (watch out for scrapes and cuts if you hug it though).
For me, and my never-ending quest to get my little townhouse looking like a home, the staple gun has been useless. I bought one yesterday for $26.00. It looks just like the one pictured. I bought the smallest amount of staples you could buy for 3 bucks. I was a little put off that I had to spend 30 dollars for just one household project, but I thought, "hey, staple guns are cool...you never know what you'll use it for next."
While in the Home Depot, I had an electric stapler in my hand when an expert Home Depoter come over and asked what I needed the tool for. I explained to him that I needed to hang some telephone wire (I have only one phone outlet downstairs and it is in the kitchen. My Directv has to be hooked to a phone line and that's in the living room). He told me, "they make a staple gun that is made specifically for that job." I asked if he was sure and he said absolutley.
When I got home, I was excited to start the my stapling endeavor. I busted it open, filled the gun with staples, and thought out my plan of attack. I was so excited because for the last few weeks I have been tripping over that dang chord on the floor, spilling drinks, pulling the chord from the phone jack, and getting it caught on my front door (you can tell my place is giant, can't you?). All this was about to stop. Now I would only have an unsightly wire running across the ceiling.
After assembling the little bastard, I grabbed the phone chord and went to work. Poor little staple guys; I think they'll need therapy! Nary a one could muster the strength to make it through the wall. They couldn't even put a dent in it! I kept trying though...thinking it has to be me, my technique; I am certainly not one with the way of the staple gun. I changed hands, changed directions, tried different spots, and after about 20 minutes gave up and just watched the game.
It's amazing how one little failure can ruin your day. I had aspirations of getting other household things done that day, but after the dissappointment of the stapler, I gave up and put everything off. I have aquired more tools that I thought I could use and then they didn't work then I know what to do with! Rats.
Anywho...I'll be heading out to Albuquerque to meet my parents tonight, so I probably won't be able to post until Monday. See you then...
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