Okay...you're just not gonna believe this one. I have many things to write about regarding happenings over the last week and a half or so, but this one just could not wait.
I am in Las Cruces, New Mexico right now staying at the cities finiest hotel: the Hilton. Really. It's a nice hotel. I am at a relentlessly tedious conference on assessment and retention (more on that on another day). Anyway, I am down here in my room doing some work and I hear a gurggling noise from within the bathroom. Don't worry Spidey-friends, this is not one of those, guess what's crawling in Dan's bathtub stories.
No...as a matter of fact, I go to check it out and it seems there is some soap suds that have travelled up the drain. Not a whole bunch of suds, but rather a small amount. Hardly noticable. So, not thinking any thing of it, I decide while I am there to use the restroom. Now, without going into great detail, I am a guy and I was standing up, if you get my meaning. I flush the toilet, the water goes down as usual, no problems. Then, as I am washing my hands, I hear the noise again. Interesting, thinks I. Then it happens. All of a sudden, the noise takes on physical manifestation in the form of water shooting straight out of the toilet and into the air! Not only that (and no...the story has no disgusting ending), it's shooting up suds of foamy soap (thank goodness). The tank fills up with suds and overflows like on a sitcom where somebody doesn't know how to use a washing machine. The bathroom is full of suds, but the water finally stops. I call maintenence and they head right over and tell me, "I think there might be something wrong with your toilet, sir". While he is here, he get's a few calls from other people on the floor who are experiencing the same type of problem.
Toilets of the world unite! The time is now. Give back what has been foisted upon you for years and years - don't take this shite any more says I.
I swear I've seen that in a horror movie once.
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