Well....since it has been more then a week since anybody has posted a response, I feel justified to write about something totally inane today.
This morning as I was waiting around to go to work, I caught an episode of Magnum, p.i. I had not seen before. This is not unusual since I never watched the show when it aired. But I have to tell you, I love that show now!
I'm not the biggest T.V. viewer these days. Don't get me wrong, I have the telly on quite often, but it is usually sports or news or one of the few shows I am hooked on (basically Sci-Fi Fridays, Numbers, Penn and Teller and Boondocks). It seems to me there just isn't anything really worth while out there. I loved the show Rome on HBO and definitely will que it up next season, but I have not been able to get myself into "The Sopranos" or "Deadwood". I can't get into any reality T.V. shows either and I have tried to catch on to other popular shows people tell me I have to see, but with no real success.
Instead, I look for old re-runs of shows from yesteryear; shows that I might have seen before or have seen a few. Like Magnum. I will watch Magnum any time it's on. I also look out for shows like: Banacek (With George Peppard), Poirot, Columbo, Berreta, What's Happening?, Sanford and Son, Good Times, Taxi, and WKRP. T.V. just taint what it used to be.
Please tell me I am wrong. I would love to hear some suggestions telling me what Tivo should save for me.
the acorn doesn't fall far from the oak.
True-dat, T. It takes alot for that acorn to get squirreled away!
You're not wrong. The greatest shows are all in the past precisely because when you were a child you had no critical faculties. All a show needed to do was push one little button and the kids are glued to the screen. I can think of loads of great shows from my childhood, but very few seem good anymore. I loved the Dukes of Hazzard as a teenager. But I don't think for one minute I would like it if it debuted today.
But none of this holds ture for The A-Team. That will always be a great show. Ditto The Incredible Hulk. And the original Battlestar Galactica. And Jabberjaw. . . I could go on.
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