Hack, cough, wheeze...world. Well, it's been an unexiting few days. I have been sick as a dog. I spent pretty much Monday night through Thursday afternoon stuck in bed in my hotel room. It was one of those strep throat, swollen glands, flu-like, stomach, pounding sinus things. I was going crazy...tossing and turning hour after hour with not 10 minutes of good sleep. I must have jumped to every chair in this room a thousand times.
Meanwhile...I missed work on the busiest day of the week, lost my voice and couldn't talk to anyone, and had one meal and no coffee for days. Ah...the good life. So today was a good day....I went outside. Of course outside was like three-hundred degrees, so I felt like running right back in, but I had promised to take my students Salsa dancing.
It's now 3:30am and I just got in. Nasty headache and alarm set for a few hours from now. That's really all I can tell you right now. I am sure things of interest will start happening again as I rejoin the human race. BTW...Sorry I missed a lot of calls the last few days...I had the ringer off because I had no voice!
My poor baby!! You know how I HATE it when you're sick. And here we thought that you were just too busy to call home.
BTW - we saw a 1 hour documentary last night (in HD of course) on New Mexico. The last few minutes were on Roswell. Taking all the alien pictures and blowups away, the main street looked decent for a small town. Can't wait to see it in person.
Feel better.
Whah, whah, whah...
Sorry to hear you're a bit down, but I gotta give you the tough love approach.
It's amazing you could possibly recover considering the Salsa dancing.
You got some 'splainin to do Ricky!
Well...uh...I thought Salsa dancing had something to do with jalepenos or something and that my congestion might clear up if I was...ah who am I kidding? Beautiful women, lively music, and tequilla...if that wasn't gonna help then I might have to try Polka tonight! But seriously...I was in bed for over 50 hours straight!!! Give me a break!
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