I saw Fantastic Four the other night and I have to tell you...it's a stinker. I rate it 1/2 burned out stars. It looked horrible, but I wanted to see it. I mean, c'mon, it's a comic book movie!
Well...for those of you who don't know much about the FF, let me set the record straight. I am not usually one to complain bout consistancy in movies. I understand they can't always stay true to the comic. But, that doesn't mean they have to ruin the characters, does it?!?
First...Doctor Doom is one of the coolest characters in the Marvel Universe. In this movie he is a joke. They play him off as a spoiled brat that cares only about money and women when in fact, he cares more about power and ruling the world (to make it better...from his viewpoint). He doesn't have super powers; he has technology. He's super smart.
Next...the plot. Doom isn't on the spaceship that the FF are on when they get their powers. I know I am bitching and moaning, but it was frustrating to watch. The whole movie was really just a retelling of the origin. The audience does not care about about what happens because we don't have anything invested in these characters. The writing and "acting" does nothing to make an audience feel anything for these people. Doom is a jerk. Reed Richards is a flat, boring, love-sick loser. Sue Richards (who isn't a Richards in the movie) is just a dumb bimbo and not the intelligent scientest she is in the book. Johnny Storm is just a jerk. He is in the comic too, but it's just overboard in the movie and you hope he dies. Ben Grimm aka The Thing, is the only redeemable part of the movie. Micheal Chiklis is fantastic in this role and he does capture the fun and depression of the hero. There really is not story, so I can't complain about that too much. The action is poor also. One big fight scene and even that was short and eneventful.
To sum up...if you go see this movie, see it with someone you love, sit in the back row, and make out during the whole thing. At least you'll get something out of it that way. 'nuff said.
One last thing, there are good comic book movies that deviate from the comics plots. Go see the new Batman movie and then compare to FF. Batman looks like Citizen Kane compared to this junk. And...I'm a Marvel guy!
Well I must say. Being that I went to this movie with Dan, that if I could attach a Saw to dan's chin he could have cut down a tree for every time he nodded his head.
See... everytime dan watches a movie and something is stupid or just pisses him off he knods his head in disgust. Which in this movie happened quite a bit. Me, I just scratch myself when something pisses me off in a movie.
>>> But the movie did suck. If you do see it please dont take any friends with you because they will never forgive you.
But dan says that it's a good movie to take a date to so you can just sit in the back and make out. Thats cool for most good looking people like the ones who purposely shave their heads. (which means they have no trouble picking up women).
Me well i would just sit in the back by myself and..............
...I can speak for shaved head victims, well maybe not for all of them, but we don't usually consider ourselves good looking. Mostly just bald.
What I can tell you is that we haven't nor will we ever see FF.
People with shaved heads should probably wait for the "V For Vendetta" movie.
Heck, I do not have a shaved head, but I am waiting for it, too!
(So far, though, I know one minor change which will make my brother shave his head,...er,...I mean nod...but hopefully they will stay true to the essentials of the original...)
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