Tarantula. Well...while we were in Roswell looking for a place for me to live, I was told that Tarantula's run amok in this part of New Mexico. Great. I asked how big they get and I was told as big as your hand. It seems they only come out at night though, so that's not bad, right? Sure. Nothing spookier than coming home at night and seeing giant spiders creeping around your house. I can't wait.
Also, I was told that just last month there was a mountain lion in the parking lot. I aint fighting for no spot with a mountain lion.
On a happier note, not one single alien was found during this trip. Mmaybe the tarantulas and mountain lions scarred them all away.
Well....it sure looks like living in Roswell will be some advenure. Just don't forget to wear shoes when you go outside at night and carry a big stick. Please tell me that this isn't a photo with you holding a tarantula! Perhaps living among aliens would be "funner". Do you believe Lance Armstrong said funner 3 times in an interview today?
Carry a big stick?
I'd get a gun.
Yeah....you and Ali with the gun idea. No, that is not me with the tarantula...I think it'll take me a while toget to that point!
Uh...what Mr. Daniel B. is so kindly refering to is one of our sojourns out to Santa Fe where there had been many a bear attack reported. We were in the mountains near the ski resort when I saw a young and very fast black bear out of the corner of my eye coming right down the path behind us. As many a sane minded individual would do...I jumped and ran. Oh, did I mention it was a dog. Yeah...the dumbest friendliest looking big black dog you'd ever see. Oh Well...not much for big dogs either!
well shucks, i am going to be in roswell in a couple weeks...just for a night, however, i was expecting to see the aliens but you seem to have had no luck...perhaps i will just lay out in the desert under the big starry sky and let the tarantulas and mountain lions fight over who gets my brains...though i was really hoping for a good sci-fi probing...darn.
Don't worry Friday...I'm probably just not pretty enough for the little green guys
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