Yes. I will admit it. I am a huge gadget fan. I just can't seem to help it. I always want the latest computers and any cool gizmos that whoever might be pushing. I bought the PSP (Playstation Portable) a while back and never really used it too much until just recently. Now I am addicted. I upgraded my phone to a Treo 650, wich does just about anything that you could ask from a phone/pda/web-browser/camera.
But by far the coolests of gadgetry so far for me is my i-pod. Originally, I didn't see the big deal. But now that I have one and have realized the full extent of it's power, I bow to the greatness of the i-pod. A machine smaller then my cell phone which has the capacity of storing up to 60 gigs! That's roughly 15,000 songs! 181 hours of video! A gazzilion pictures! Now that's what I call power.
For the next few weeks, I will be importing every CD I own into this cigarette case sized machine in hopes to never have to play a disc again. To date, I have put about 250 tunes on it, but I have a ways to go. The best part is, it goes anywhere I want to use it. Sure on a plane ride I can pop in those ear buds and escape, but I can also plug it through my stereo, computer speakers and probably the best part...in my car. Wow.
So in review...i-pod: very cool.
(this messege brought to you in part by Apple Computers, makers of the i-pod)
*product warning: possible side effects of using i-pod technology might include shameless promotion of apple products, memory loss of what it was like before i-pod. People with a history of 8-tracks, cassettes and cd listening should consult a professional regarding if i-pod is right for you.
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