I was watching the documentary on Star Trek fan(natics) the other day called "Trekkies" and I have to tell you, it scared the dilithium crystal outta me! Don't get me wrong, I like the show and the movies. I've seen the original show and was hooked on "Next Generation" and "Deep Space Nine". The other two shows lost me. My point is, I think the whole Trek thing is kinda cool.
But these people...they live their lives based on the show. They wear uniforms, Star Trek uniforms, to work and believe they are part of that world. Now I'll admit, when I was a kid, I'd read a comic book and imagine I was like Spiderman or Green Lantern (I still read the comics, but rarely do I pretend to be the heroes). But to live your life as if you were in some large movie?
The Klingon folks are the best. Not only do they pretend to be part of this fictional world, they pretend to be aliens in it! I found some interesting things on the net that shows what I am speaking about. For instance, did you know they actually created a Klingon language? It's real. You can learn to speak and read it. In one of the movies they made reference to not really reading Shakespeare until you have read it in the original Klingon. Well...now you can find the Klingon Language Version of the World English Bible. Yes...jump right up to that sight and read your favorite bible passage in Kilngon. If that doesn't cook you Gak, if you think that it's kind of neat, I offer this to you: Klingons For Christ Jesus. This web-site gives you an overview of why those loveable warriors would be Christian!
For my Philly Phriends out there, did you know the Klingons have invaded your neighborhoods? Yes, if you are lucky enough to catch them, there is the Klingon Klez - Out of this world Jewish jam! Jewish/Klingon music for the masses!
One of the best Saturday Night Live skits I remember is when William Shatner hosts and they have him at a Trekkie convention. He blasts the faithful by telling them all to get a life and asking if they have ever even kissed a girl. Well...here is a Klingon wedding to answer his question. You gotta love it. Now if you will excuse me, I am due in 10 forward for a date with a blue chick from the omega quadrant. I hope I don't drink too much Romulan ale!
Wow, that Klingon wedding! I'm speechless. Kate and I should have done that.
And on the Klingon-Christianity site, remember that Christianity was adopted by many warrior cultures in the early middle ages. The Saxons even produced their own gospel, called the Heliand, which retells Jesus' life story as a thane with his warrior band of followers.
Good point...and due to the fact that the Saxons actually exsited...really good point!
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