Last night, my Drama class and I watched the 1957 film of a staged performance of "Oedipus Rex". It's a fascinating version of the play to see. The masks are eerie and beautiful and the acting is top notch.
But the film is interesting on other levels too. For one thing, although my students were upset that I made them watch the credits, they were shocked and amazed when they saw William Shatner listed (so was I). How old is this dude!? Well...with a bit of research (see link above) I found out that he was born in 1931 (in Quebec of all places). There was no way I thought that was him in the movie, but sure enough, it is listed in his credits. And...he was already 26!?!
Other interesting things for me in this version of the play was that it was translated by William Butler Yeats, one of my favorite poets! And, another actor in the play was Douglas Rain, who later was the voice of HAL 9000 in "2001: A Space Odyssey". Douglas Rain and William Shatner in the same production? Well...I...guess....that....doesn't.......surprise me........at....all. And before any of you Trekkie readers get on my ass about it, I know Shatner was a classically trained actor, and I am a big fan of his. Especially his latest album: Has Been. Seriously. A definite keeper! No, I mean it. Really.
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