Friday, June 03, 2005


I know this is going to sound like a rant, but I can't help it. This is what I'd like to do to the car that parked in my spot last night: smash,crash, demolish, destroy, crush, mash! I guess I'm a bit grumpy that I had to wake up early to move my car out of the driveway so my mom could get her car out of the garage.

Why do we get bent out of shape over parking spots in front of the house? When you think about it, nobody really owns a spot, right? Hell, we don't own the sidewalks in front of our houses. But...try not shoveling the snow one from your sidewalk next time we get 22 inches. Whose walk is it then? Maybe we should own the sidewalk and parking spot right in front.

Uh...come to think of it....Technically...I guess it really isn't my spot...kinda...I park in front of my neighbor Mark's house cause they don't use the spot. park there all the time...Well...DAMN IT!!! HE SHOULD GET OUT OF MARK'S SPOT!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Cuz...
You know on my street people's parking style gets me pretty worked up. The 1/2 spot in front, the 3/4 spot behind. Last night I should have parked at 69th St. and taken the trolley home. It would have been more palatable than where I ended up.
Unfortunately, I do own my sidewalk. Too bad I can't put a ban on folks using it. If they couldn't use it, parking in front of my house would be a moot point.
At least in Roswell, finding a spot shouldn't create alot of stress. Just another silver lining.