I just came back from Ed's house where we were installing his wireless router. I am still simply amazed at all of the technology around us. I feel like putting my computer, or phone, through a metal hoop and saying, "look, no plugs" to everyone that passes me by. Of course the 1 1/2 hours on the phone with the router tech support who offered no assistance when nothing worked was frustrating, but we got it done on our own eventually.
I know I might sound like a bit of a techno geek here, but when I think about my life, I realize that it is completely wireless. The internet is available to me at any hotspot. My phone keeps me leashed to my world. My video game system is even wireless. Heck, my freakin radio works from a satellite! I guess the real question I have is what's next? What major advancement will change our way of life next?
There was no "we" in "we got it done. Dan got it done and isn't it nice that I can thank him in a public forum. While I'm at it, let me say what a pleasure it has been to have him home for the past few months. Our loss will be Roswell's gain.
Thanks, Dan. I'm writing this email from my study. Why? Because I can. I'm wireless! Woo-Hoo!
Lots of wireless stuff going on, but what's next you ask. Don't know for sure but one thing is certain - invest heavily in battery technologies.
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