After a long two days, longer than most since I stayed in Tennessee on Saturday night, I am in Dallas. I know Philly is hot, but even though Dallas was only a few degrees warmer yesterday, Dallas always feels like an inferno.
Speaking of infernos, on my trip in to town, I listened to the entire fourteen lectures on the "Heroes, Myths and Legends" portable professor package I bought at Barnes and Nobles. For the record, there are no reason to buy one of these things ever unless Ed does one one day. The guy giving the lectures was interesting enough as far as his voice went, but the lectures were rather basic with more plot summary than discussion. I guess it's okay as a refresher, but even then, in a series of fourteen lectures that discusses The Iliad, The Odyssey, Beowulf, The Divine Comedy (a lecture for each book and one on the books overall), The Fairie Queen, and Paridise Lost, you can imagine how much is left out of the discussion. It left me really frustrated and yelling at the radio.
BTW...Don't get confused, the picture shown above isn't Dallas or UTD. No, it is a shot from the University of Guanajuato. Today my new crop of students arrive from this school and end up in Texas...Dallas, Texas. For those of you who don''t know, my job is teaching an English class and I am also responsible for cultural enrichment. One purpose of the program is to recruit these students to come back and do their Masters degree at UTD. So yes, part of my job is to show them how great Dallas is. Sounds just like me, huh? Well...it can be tough, especially when you really wouldn't recommend the town, but I try to keep at least even keel. It reminds me of the old Tick episode with Pinapple Pokopo. Pokopo says, "Here on Pokopo, we have two things; we have pinapples and we have sharks." To which American Maid responds to the tourist hungry despot, "Go with the pineapples."
Glad to hear you've arrived safely, and even in the hazy, hot, humid, horrible weather, your sense of humor is yet intact.
May good fortune smile on you with your new students.
BTW - I borrowed your carafe!
And always remember - go with the pineapples.
So happy to hear that you had a safe trip (you know moms always worry!).
It's a shame that the tapes were not what you wanted. Back to music.
Have fun with your new students. Tell me that these guys don't have to climb all those steps each time they enter school in Mexico! What a workout.
Try to stay cool.
Happy landing!
Satelite Radio!
We miss you!
I am glad to hear that you made it safe and sound. Are you to be congratulated or pitied? Sort of like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Good luck and have fun spooking your old haunts.
Wow! An all family response! It is hot and miserable here today. I was just telling Ali that even though Philly can be just as hot and humid as Dallas, it just seems ten times worse here. I kid you not...today has been killer hot!
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