This is a historic photo from Dallas Texas. I was looking over my schedulefor this summer's Guanajuarto exchange program and noticed once again I'll be making my way down there. Has anything good ever happened in Texas? JFK gets Whacked...The Alamo...Waco and Koresh..."Houston we have a problem"...Bush? Please someone tell me one positive historic event that doesn't include killing people! Maybe I'm just spoiled by growing up in a town like Philly.
A working group committee of representatives from ranching and farming organizations, environmental groups, state and federal biologists, private landowners and others has completed a Texas plan to conserve the black-tailed prairie dog and its grassland habitat. The species is currently a candidate for possible listing as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act.
And you actually thought nothing positive came out of Texas?
Buddy Holly and Willie Nelson!
I remember the Black-tailed prairie dog well...very fast and a bit chewy.
As far as Buddy Holly goes...point well taken. How did his life end again? Tragic. Another fine example.
Willie Nelson is still alive though, so I guess I'll have to give you that (if you really think that counts for something good, or historical).
I was hoping a Texan would chime in on this topic. I never thought of the independent Texas thing like that (probably because I am a yankee). It makes sense when you put it that way. Wait a sec...do you meant to tell me I've been wrong thinking that Texans were just mindless, gun-toting yahoos (present Texans excluded of course)?!?
A good thing about Texas? Lyndon Johnson. Yeah, that's right, Lyndon Johnson. The best thing about Lyndon Johnson is so many Texans are annoyed he comes from Texas.
Why bother digging?
two-step dancing, bull-riding, black gold, gun racks, pick-up trucks, twangin'.
Don't you think Texas has given us enough already? Oh yeah....How 'bout them Boys!
If Texas was still a Republic, Dallas would be Bagdad.
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