This not so little guy is what the natives out in Roswell like to call a Vinegarroon, scientifically known as the Mastigoproctus giganteus. Shouldn't Godzilla be taking out these things? Well, it might look like a scorpion, but in fact it is not. I hear they are rather harmless to humans (unless you count the utter shock of actually seeing one of these things creeping around your house, or getting hit by a car when running scared), but will kill scorpions with their mighty claws. I have personally never seen one, but they are around, Again, I have been told they like the nightlife, hanging under rocks and tree bark. The reason people call the vinegarrons is that they spray some kind of mist that smells like vinegar. So, I guess they are kind of like the skunk of the southwestern world?
Sooooo - I guess the secret is to stay out from under bushes and tree bark at night time. So far you've shown us ugly creatures, is there anything pretty to see in Roswell? How's the flora?
Well mom....the sun sure is purty. And thank goodness, there aint nothun to block it, so that two times a day ya git it right in yer kisser.
But..the sunsets and clouds are really wonderful here. Yesterday was this wonderful pinkish orange that stretched for what seemed to be thousands of miles. So just like the Roswellians of old, sometimes I'm just out there staring off into the infinite.
And...there are alot of pretty girls. I haven't seen much of the flora yet though. I think I have to wait until Spring for the tree to bloom.
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