The three legged table is king! Yes, I finally received my furniture last night at about 8:30. I received a call from the drivers at about 7:30 saying they were in a gas station in Roswell and needed directions. When I started telling them where to go (oh I wish) they stopped me and told me they needed the address first. Needed the address?? What kind of moving company does not have the address of where they are delivering?? Also, their English was not so good, so they had to put the girl at the gas station on the phone to even get the directions!!!
What you see pictured is not my place, but I do own that table. The web site called it a "lift cocktail table". I am not so sure I would go that far. To me it seems more like a "sit my lazy a$$ on the couch to watch a game and eat a pizza" table. Does Guinness count as a cocktail?
Regarding the things...I have yet to go through the stuff to make sure it is all there because it was late and dark when they left (I need the light to find the lightbulbs), but I did notice some things amiss. I had a bookcase that had been torn apart, a table with three legs a few scratched picture frames, and I am praying my stereo receiver is in a box somewhere.
Another funny thing was that as some of the stuff was being brought in, I didn't recognize it as mine! Honestly, it had been so long since I had seen it that I didn't recognize it. And the worst thing for the movers? How bout carrying all 50 boxes of book upstairs to my office. They couldn't believe all the books! But all in all, whatever the condition of all the stuff, it's nice to have it. My couch is comfy and it looks like home. I'll spend the rest of the weekend unpacking and setting up and then I will post some actual pictures of the place and the surroundings (if my camera is there).
It's about time.
Jobe should take a lesson from you.
Glad things are getting into place .
When you take some photos, get some of the downtown area as well.
You know I love skylines.
that was sarcasm right?! i am not sure that roswell has a skyline...but again, i will assume sarcasm.
At least it wasn't irony . . .
you know I hate irony.
Who the heck is Jobe? One of your students?
Yeah Noel, It's pretty much just sky...no lines, but I will get some pics out there soon.
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