The test is easy. I will give a quote from the series and all you have to do is tell me who said it. I'll give you a hint: quiz one is all taken from season one's episodes.
Good luck and....SPOON!!!!
1. You stuck your thumb into the Christmas pie of my brain and pulled out the plum of my innermost dreams!
2. I hate the humans! They really get my goat! I'm not so fond of goats, either
3. Don't hurt him! He's definitely our ride home!
4. You'll never prove a thing, copper, I'm just a part time electrician…bad is good, baby! Down with government!
5. I don't know the meaning of the word surrender! I mean, I know it, I'm not dumb just not in this context...
6. Cloning is a precise science that's why I use the clonerizer it costs more, but you get what you pay for.
7. How do you tell if a shark likes you? He takes another bite!
8. The Light! Our Eyes! The Light is too much for our huge overdeveloped subterranean eyes!
9. See, he's eating your head, and I can still talk!
10. Not in the face! Not in the face!
Please put your answers in the comment section. Since everyone can see the comment section, please don't cheat and look there first or I might have to roll up that newspaper of justice and say, 'bad doggie'!
Mmmmm. . . I'll take the easy ones - #1 is the Tick and #10 was said by Der Fleidermouse.
Is #4 The Mad Bomber?
You know Ted, even if you are right (I'll provide answers in a few days), just answering three only gets you a 30! And that's if you are right! Give 'em all a try. You've seen each one!
O.K., let's see if memory serves...
1. The Tick
2. El Seed
3. Die Fledermaus
4. The Mad Bomber What Bombs At Midnight
5. El Seed
6. "Susan" (I can't remember his real name b/c of that scene, dammit! Partial credit, please!)
7. Pokopo Pineapple
8. The Mole King and co.
9. Handy!
10. Arthur
I have a bad feeling about this. How about some extra-credit, teach?
firstly, don't you give enough quizzes at school?
and secondly, do you threaten you students with the same line about the newspaper of justice?
Okay, BMW is the only one so far to make a full guess. I will publish the results in these comments by Friday, so chack back here. But, Bmw, you have a tough score to beat: 80%
For Extra credit: what did Die Fledermaus tell "Fishboy's" mom?
No actually, I don't do quizzes at all! And I only give tests to my Lit classes. Otherwise its all papers. And trust me, I would give them the newspaper line if they would get it!
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