I wanted to share with you all today a little bit of what's going on here in Roswell for me in the upcoming weeks. I know I do a fair bit of complaining about having nothing to do out here (which will slowly get better I am sure), but I do have many things on the table for the near future and all of them should be fun.
In Mid-October I will be making my Auctioneering debut at a benefit for the Katrina survivors. This is a cool project that our Art department came up with that involves many of the local artists in the community (for those of you familiar with New Mexico, I am not sure how far that extends. If our artistic community extends all the way to Taos, then there could be lots of good stuff. But even the ultra-local art seems cool) who will donate some of their works for auction. Don't ask me why I was asked to do the talking at the event, but I am glad to do it. Anything to get me in the public eye here and make some contacts!!
Another neat-o event is that I will be giving a poetry reading at the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art here in Roswell. Now before you all go wacky on me and ask sarcastic questions about the museum, let me just say I haven't been there to know if it is worth while or not. The reading will be part of a poetry night sponsered by the New Mexico Humanities Council and will be the grand finale of the New Mexico Council of Teachers of English (NMCTE) Annual Conference, which I also will attend.
Also in October, my parents will be making the trek to New Mexico! We have started our plan of expidition and their trip will be highlighted by such places as: The Grand Canyon, The VLA (very large array), White Sands Desert (and missile testing ground), Sante Fe, Taos, and of course Roswell, home of the whopper.
Last, for you Dallasites...I will be coming to visit at the end of September. I am leaving Roswell on the 30th and leaving Dallas on the 3rd of October. I hope to see y'all.
have you read about the plan to build earth station roswell...now that will be a site to see...no pun...oh okay, pun intended...
If you do really well at auctioneering, I have some baseball cards that . . .
I'm really looking forward to attending the auction and watching you be an auctioneer. Sounds like great fun. How lucky dad and I will in town at that time.
How did you get on the program to read poetry? Were you asked or did you volunteer? I'm assuming that you will read your original work. How many poems will you read? Wish we could be there for that occasion too.
Go to it Dan! Be seen, be heard, be noticed!!!
Friday, I had not heard of it, but I checked it out and still don't really know what to think. It's just an idea, right? Not a reality?
sounds like things are gellin' a bit.
that's good news. very cool stuff.
the auctioneering thing is, as we say in urbian, WHACK!
better get a garter and suspenders so you don't stand out too much.
otherwise they'll know you're an alien transplant.
um, i am pretty sure they are going to build it...i looked at some info about it at one of the gazillion t-shirt shops there...i understood it to be ready for visitors in the not too distant future...2008 maybe...something silly like that...ask around...i would love to know...
here is an article with more info...
and can ijust say how cool your mom sounds?! Be seen, be heard, be noticed!!! i wish my parents encouraged me like that...sigh...all i get is "education? go get a job!" dan's mom, feel sorry for me.
Friday - how can I feel sorry for you when your parents are interested in your well being? Didn't Dan go the route of education and getting a job? And look where he is today!! Don't waste precious time dissing your folks. They're the only ones you have. And remember, you've already been to Roswell. Sounds to me like you're living the good life!
oh i am not dissing them...i love them...i try all the time to stress the importance of higher education...but they just want the job part...they are not that interested in academia as such...i enrolled my nephew in a state program to make sure he will have the funds to attend college when he graduates and they refer to my paying for that as a waste of my money and assume he will just be able to get finaid...in relation to your motto though, they aren't big on being seen, heard, and for sure not noticed...unless someone decides to drive in the shoulder during a traffic jam...as for roswell...well yeah i made a trek from dfw to cali in a mazda protege pulling a uhaul that it shouldn't have been pulling and we broke down and spent two days in las cruces, NM...and the car still almost died on the hills outside of LA...but yeah, you're right, i do live the good life...taking little for granted...even if it means never meeting my parents' desire for me to get a "real" job...sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in on your own little tippy-toes...
sorry to go on and on on your blog dan...but your mom was very thought-provoking...in a good way of course...*insert big smile here*
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