Thursday, May 11, 2006

I might have to change the name of the blog to something else due to the fact that starting Wednesday of next week, I don't think I will actually be in Roswell for a long time. I don't like posting this information publicly, but since I will have a house sitter at my place, I feel a bit safer sending this out.

It's the end of the semester. As I write this post, I have no more classes to teach until my online courses start in June. All that is left for me to do is attend graduation tonight and grade like a muthaf'er this weekend. The semester flew by, and I would be remiss if I didn't take a moment here to publicly thank all of the wonderful people in my department for making this a great first year of employment. Without them, I'd have gone batty by now. So, Bob, Bob, Jenni, Alan, Rick, Lloyd, Grace, Bill, Maureen, Annemarie, Kate, Sherry and Helen, thanks a million!

That being said, Wednesday I start my summer of teaching, researching the play and visiting. Alaska is first on the list. That's next week. Then, my friends in Dallas, I'm coming to you for two weeks. After that Mein Bruder, I will be heading out to So-Cal for your graduation and to visit. After a quick stop, I will be on my way to Philly for a large chunck of time starting June 23rd.

So...check in still cause I'll be updating as often as possible from wherever I am. See you soon!

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