are crawling around outside my apartment at night. Okay, I'll admit it...I am a bit squeemish when I go out and have a cigarette in front my place at night. It just seems that everythime I open my door at night, something is lurking around. For instance, I think there is at least one Wolf Spider creeping around my door everynight! I think it is more scared of me than I am of it, but it is pretty creepy.
Also, I saw my first Pseudo-Scorpion last night. It was very small, maybe the size of a quarter...half dollar at best. I think they are completly harmless. I know they don't have a stinger. It was strange though because it reminded me somehow of nanotechnology. It looked like a small machine and not an insect. I imagined millions of them running amuck and not just the one (anyone watch stargate and know the nanites?).
Other fun insects are big black waterbugs (which I think is a nice New Mexican term for cockroaches...not the real scarey ones associated with filth, but the natural ones). I don't much fancy them. They seem to be attracted to the opening of my door and I kick them back to whence they came.
Also, I have noticed another kind of pest...they cigarette bummer. I have talked to some people here who have warned me of this comman household New Mexican pest. It seems the bummer likes to hang around apartments and is attracted by smoke. When they detect smoke they run to you and ask for a smoke before you can jump inside your house. I also hear that once they see where you live they are known to knock on your door or window at all times of day and night.
BTW...The answer to the first tick quiz will be in todays comment section. I will postr another next week!
Weren't nanites also on Star Trek: Next Generation? I seem to remember an experiment conducted by Wesley that spiraled out of control. What a punk...
Answer to the first Tick quiz:
1. The Tick
2. El Seed
3. Sewer Urchin
4. The Mad Bomber what Bombs at Midnight
5. The Tick
6. Thrakkorzog (but I accept Susan)
7. Pineapple Pokapo
8. Any of the Molemen
9. Handy (I would have also taken 1-Ton)
10. Arthur
Extra credit: Die Fladermaus told Fishboy's mom: "A lot of things"
BMW...Maybe the nanites were a star trek thing...Stargate has something like that too though and they look like spiders or scorpions.
um...hmmm...it would seem like the solution to all of these issues would be to quit smoking...i knooooow i am a genius. what do i win?
Quit smoking?! You're no quitter, Dan. I have faith in you.
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