Friday, September 02, 2005


More of the same here from lovely New Mexico. Yesterday I waited around for a table to be delivered that I purchased a while back. They called and said it was in Roswell and would be delivered sometime during the day. After work, I went to the townhouse to wait it out (Thursday is my short day). After a while, I called them to see what was up and I was assured that it was in transit, in Roswell, and would be there in less then an hour. Well...about 4 hours later I got tired of sitting on the floor and went back to the hotel (yes...still no movers!!!). What's up with these people!?!?


Anonymous said...

Before you even ask...Hoario, I believe, is the spanish word for "timetable".
I thought "timetable" was a funny title for the post because I was waiting for so much time for the table...get it...timetable...get it. Ugh. Anyway, I used the spanish word because it sounded more like "horror" and I wanted to give it a feel of what I am going through with all of this.

Anonymous said...

I read it wrong and thought it said 'Horatio'.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, than the delivery of your table" (from Hamlet).